Saturday 7 January 2012

A veritable blessing from the Three Wise Men . . .

In celebrating the Magi (the Three Wise Men), or, here in Argentina, Los Reyes de Magos, by leaving some water and food overnight at the front door for the camels of whom, which amazingly only eat once a year, and which yearly carry their riders over the world from an unimaginably faraway. . . 'East'. . . Today Daniela and I were euphoric at the presence of two presents in the flat.

The first of which - a wooden chess set - was addressed to me!
The second - revealing itself much, much later in the day - a very comfortable, top-of-the-range, padded backpack for Daniela, to carry her back-breaking-ly heavy laptop to and from work!

So, as a stroke of good luck, as we had completely neglected to gift anything to each other at Christmas (in all the chaos, hoopla and misconstruction that be at this season of the year), on this day of celebration, the 6th of January, still upheld in Spain, parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Portugal, Mexico, Uruguay and Argentina, we were happy at the chance of being able to make merry in ways we had missed on the usual day; the 25th of December.

Gracias a Los Rayes de Magos . . . 

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